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Here you are. Fresh college degree in hand. And ready to enter one of the most challenging job markets in recent history. How do you apply all of your academic knowledge into a real-world job where you earn money doing something you love? It IS possible. And I have a tool to help you start. It’s a book called REAL-WORLD FEMINIST Handbook: Practical Advice on How to Find, Win & Kick Ass at Your First Job, and I wrote it just for you.
confidently building your network
landing & acing the interview
confident in your next steps
Stressed about having no connections
form letter rejection emails
anxious, stuck & unmotivated
Go from
— cayla d.
"This book QUICKLY changed my attitude about getting a job after college. Not only do I now have more confidence, I am now EAGER to kick ass at my future job!”
I may be at the top of my industry now, but I remember how it felt at the start. After college, I found myself in an hourly job I hated, dreading the day I would have to start paying back my student loans. I submitted countless resumes but landed no interviews. I knew I had to network but—let’s be honest—I hated small-talking with strangers.
One by one, I watched my friends land their dream jobs. I couldn’t help but wonder, “What’s wrong with me?” I was totally overwhelmed and stuck. But despite all this, I had audacious career goals. I just didn’t know how or where to start. If you are feeling me hard right now, you are in the right place.
• Stay true to your dreams of a brilliant career
• Tame your anxiety about how to find a job
• Write a resume that will stand out in the stack of applicants
• Ace a job interview
• Start to build your professional network
• Win the job of your dreams
• Stand out as a star performer once you get the job
— Amanda R.
For the young women out there who are serious about grabbing their career by the horns: Read This Book. It's so REAL, and that's what I love most about it."
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