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Real-World Feminist Podcast

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Here you are. Fresh college degree in hand. And ready to enter one of the most challenging job markets in recent history. How do you apply all of your academic knowledge to a real-world job where you earn money doing something you love? It IS possible. And I have a tool to help you start. […]

Episode #161: This One’s for New Graduates | Audio Sample of My Book, Real-World Feminist Handbook

Episode #161: This One’s for New Graduates | Audio Sample of My Book, Real-World Feminist Handbook

Real World Feminist Handbook

As an up-and-coming leader, you are focused on doing the right things. You’re putting in the extra work. You’re making a visible impact on the business. You’re making a difference with all of the big things—and that’s the hard part of becoming a leader. But, it’s time for a quick reality check. Are you undermining […]

Episode #123: The Little Ways You Can Undermine Yourself


As we wrap up the year, I wanted to hype you up! It’s time to set up new goals to smash in the New Year! So, I’m sharing with you a very personal story about my own career journey. With the benefit of many years of hindsight, I can now see that there’s been one […]

Episode #111: ENCORE The Secret to My Career Success


It can be tough to get noticed in corporate America. In most cases, this isn’t intentional. It’s not a conspiracy against you. The truth is it’s easy to get lost in the organizational layers. How do you get noticed in that kind of environment? It’s simple. You have to be your own PR person. In […]

Episode #103: Be Your Own PR Person


Season 2 is here, ya’ll! Let’s kick this season off with an uncomfortable topic. If you bristle at calling yourself a “feminist”, listen up. I’m taking back that word and offering a new hot take on what it means to be a REAL-WORLD FEMINIST®. Yup, it’s so important to me that I trademarked the term. […]

Episode #100: What is a REAL-WORLD FEMINIST®, Anyway?

Episode #100


Episode #8: The Interview Hack No One Has Told You (Until Now) It’s that big moment that you’ve been waiting for: the interview. You’ve done all the right things to get noticed to get you to this point. But, competition in this job market is tough. What can you do in your interview to stand […]

Episode #8: The Interview Hack No One Has Told You (Until Now)

Job Hunting

Episode #3: How to Run a Meeting Like a Boss Meetings can really suck. Most of us simply have too many of them. How many times have you thought well, that’s an hour of my life I can never get back or how many times are we going to meet to talk about the same […]

Episode #3: How to Run a Meeting Like a Boss

How To Run a Meeting Like a Boss
